Niepoort Projectos

Vinho Verde, Portugal

The Projectos wines from Niepoort are in essence collaborations with friends. Dirk and his team make wines from around Europe at friends' wineries and they also host friends to make wines with them at their wineries in Portugal. The results are often extraordinary but they are always fun and interesting.

Examples of these wines are:

Docil Loureiro in Vinho Verde with Soalheiro

Ladredo in Ribeira Sacra with Pedro Guimaro

Ultreia with Raul Perez

Omlet with Telmo Rodriguez

Navazos with Equipo Navazos - Eduaro Ojeda

Antonio Madeira made with Antonio Madeira in the Dao

Sometimes these wines get imported by Polaner...sometimes by the importer with the other partner and sometimes not at all.